Study for blessings

Study for blessings
“If its worth revealing it’s worth recording”

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Temple

We took our ward to the temple last night to do baptisms for the dead. It was so amazing to see the temple glowing in the heavy fog. And even more, it was such a wonderful experience to see those righteous young men and women who were worthy to attend the temple to do the Lord's work. They understand what it means to be 'saviors ...on mount Zion. To top the night off...I read in 2 Nephi 12:2. Isaiah saw the latter-day temple and compares the it to a mountain. Why do you think he compares the temple to a mountain?

May we lift others up when they are not STRONG.

I know I know this is CHEESE. Am I the only one who is making comments on other peoples posts? And, is anyone even reading mine? Where's the love ..... READ my previous post to get this pic.

Lehi WHAT... murmured???? 16:20

Okay Fam,
Is it just me.... ??? How many times have I gotten this far in the B of M? It's news to me that Lehi murmured. WHAT.. A prophet of the Lord. In Chapter 16:20. I'm sure he felt the weight of the world while he was out in the wilderness seeing his family go hungry. Not even Lehi was perfect and Nephi had to be the strong one at this point.
Here's to KNOWING... we will get past these next chapters and learn even more. CHEERS!!!!
Jeremy and I went to the temple last night and I have never seen it so busy there. We had to wait and wait to go into a session. I realized that it's the first month of the year and the last weekend too. We all start out with good intentions as mortal beings right? My point is..... Thank goodness for family and friends to shine on us with there "steadfast examples" Even Lehi can falter.
This is exactly why I wanted to do this site, and I feel so blessed to know you are all participating!!!
PS.. Yes Jon, I am sure the daughters of Ishmael were HOT!! Someone had to be a match for Nephi and his large stature. LOL Love ya
  1. We are still in first Nephi! Don't ever give up right?
  2. We are striving to do as Nephi, and obtain a land of promise. we find this in the scriptures.
  3. Do you think Ishmael's daughters were good looking?
  4. Here is a photo of two brothers getting along......we are trying to pull a Sam and Nephi for the camera??? We love to read the Book of Mormon!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Promise

2nd Nephi 9
I love the promise given in this chapter if we are righteous and stay good through all the tests of the world we will be given the kingdom of God. Our joy will be full forever. We know that the Savior came to the world so that all of us can be saved. He brought resurrection to everyone. Because of Him, our spirit and body will be restored to live forever and die no more. Knowing these things is such a comfort.

1 Nephi 21 & 22

We are in Christ’s hands… literally!
I just had A thought as I was reading this that Nephi loved Isaiah and his teachings, but Isaiah is hard to understand and would take a lot of spiritual Maturity. After taking his family across the ocean and maturing so much he was ready for a new level of spiritual revelation…. Even the level of Isaiah. I hope as I start these Isaiah chapters I will be ready or at a level where I can understand. Of course I’ll need your help… have a good day!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Congrats Dad on the new calling

Yes! Fishlake! Here comes the Ogden family again! Congratulations Dad and Mom for getting the most desired calling in the church for the 3rd time!
Today I spent my scripture study off course from 1 Nephi and did a little bit of studying for my missionaries. They are all doing great but I was looking for something to help a particular Elder who is a bit to wild. Do you have any ideas? I love D&C 100 and that’s what I’ll share with them today but if you can think of anything else let me know. Thanks!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

1 Nephi

I was thinking of how Sariah deserves some major props for her role in all of this. She had to see her world change dramatically and then be supportive through everything in the journey to the promise land. There were times when she complained a little, but she was steadfast...maybe this is where Nephi got it from.

1 nephi 19

Taking Lamen and Lemuels side for a second… I didn’t read for the last couple days and as the two brothers had forgotten my spiritual experiences. I have always thought they must be so stupid to see an angle then turn around and sin. I think I wrote about this the other day but it I relate to them so well. I have had close to seeing angle experiences yet still forget. Vrs 23 it explains exactly why it hurts to miss a day of reading. The prophets wrote the scriptures to persuade and remind us to believe in Christ (who is the best example of how to live a life.) By reading I also have the chance to liken the scriptures unto me for my own profit and learning.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Shout for joy!

The things which Nephi wrote are for us in our day and if we like Nephi will delighteth in the scriptures and ponder them in our heart we will be blessed. He wrote them for our learning and profit. Verse 15 in 2 Nephi 4. The more I read the more I realize that they make sence and they are for our good. I want to shout for joy!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Grandpa is thinking

I think all of my children had Brother Monsen for a seminary teacher. I've worked closley with him as a bishop because he has been our stake presidnet for several years. I've also been able to attend institute each Thursday evening for the last three years. President Monsen is a master teacher and he really loves the youth of the church. I will truely miss institute when I'm released on February 7th.
we have been studying the Book of Mormon this winter samester. I am a little ahead of most of you in my reading and should probably wait to share these thoughts but i feel I should do it now. When we are in any kind of contest or battle ( like church ball--where they start the fight with a prayer), we need to know our opponents stratagies and tactics for the fight. One of satans tactics is to have us think that we are really not in a battle and that "all is well in Zion". I promise you that we are in the same battle that was first faught in heaven. the battle ground has changed and some of the engagments--Satan has won. He will not however win the war. His tactics are discussed in 2nd Nephi 26,27,28. We need to recognize them and know how to respond and fight back. we need to put on and keep on, The Whole Armor of God. Another idea that I had during last nights lesson is that we are like battleships in the navy of God. It's been said that battleships are safe in harbor but that's not what their made for. We are battleships and the fight is on the high seas. It is also the safest place for a ship during the storms of life. If we fight and help others that are lost in the mist of darkness, we will be able to see the light house of the Lord. when it is time to come to harbor, we will be brought safely home. Remember God votes for you and Satan votes against you and YOU have the deciding vote! Grandpa O

1 Nephi 17

Great chapter... I really like verse 3! Do you think it was harder for them to imagin building a ship or crossing the ocean? Wow. Two huge things, but it's like it motivated Nephi to give it all he got... And he did. How is everyone doing out there. I haven't heard from some of you in a while...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

1 Nephi 16

It’s been a week that I haven’t updated. Sorry I still have been reading but I am back on track with updating this. I want to do it every day and ya all can hold me to that. I believe if it’s worth revealing its worth recording and if I don’t record my impressions the Spirit will be less likely to give them to me.
“The wicked take the truth to be hard!” that is so stinking true! The Liahona only works with faith diligence and head which we give to the Lord. Its exactly like the Spirit. Just like the spirit they had the Liahona everyday BUT it depended on them if it worked or Not.
By small things (me) the Lord can bring about great things. I know I’m not very small but compared to the giant world that we live in I am small and weak but through small and simple things great things will come to pass. I sometimes think that I can’t make a difference alone…. FALSE! You can and I will. Something I use to do is pray for opportunities to make a difference in some way every day. It was interesting to see that just because I was willing the Lord was giving me opportunities to bring about great things. I haven’t done it recently but I’m going to start up again.
The theme of Humility comes up a lot in this chapter and my missionaries are really struggling with being humble and submissive. Other then this story here I need a rock awesome quote or story that will knock the socks off my missionaries. Any Ideas… Dad?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

When we went to Scotland there were many funny signs, some which carried a deeper meaning. This one reads, "Frustration causes accidents. Please allow overtaking." This is probably a good lesson in not letting things get to you, and trying hard to let the "water roll off your back" so to speak. Nephi was a good example of letting things go. I think we can all learn from this. 1 Nephi 7-14

Monday, January 18, 2010

grandpa loves the book of Mormon

Do you all realize that missionary with the book of Mormon started as soon as the first few pages were translated. Who was the first missionary?
I've read the tree of life parts of the book of Mormon perhaps more than any other. If you love the truth you never get tired of hearing it.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Gratitude for current blessings!

We are loving our family reading time!!! 1 Ne 9:6
Wherefore he prepareth a way to accomplish all his works among the children of men.
Each day we learn something new. It's been fun to talk to the kids during our reading and help them understand. In the process I am learning what Jeremy thinks too. We also loved in vs. 5 of chapter 5, how Lehi expresses gratitude and shows such great faith when he says "I have obtained a land of promise." He didn't say THE land of promise. To me this sounds like gratitude for what he already has been given. He rejoices in what his current blessings are. LOVE IT!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Things you enjoy doing with your family..........
"Reading the Book of Mormon"
Way to go Family.

Friday, January 15, 2010


I am amazed at Nephi's ability to forgive his brothers over and over again. I know we are suppose to forgive all, but WOW it would be hard to forgive someone who had tried to kill you! It makes the small things we need to forgive for seem so easy. But why is it so hard sometimes?


Why is it that all boys (big and little) love it when Nephi cuts Laban's head off? Kade was excited that he was the one who got to read that verse!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

1 Nephi 15

"If there is any one thing most needed in this timeof tumult and frustration, when men and women and youth and young adults are desperately seeking for answers to problems which afflict mankind, it is an 'iron rod' as a safe guide along the straight path on the way to eternal life." President Harold B. Lee Chapter 24 explains it all.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

1 Nephi 7

Vrs. 6 I really like how he says "set an example for you." When I think of the word set I think of setting the place for the bar. And Nephi had to do it for his family. Iam thankful for all you guys who have set a high standard for me. Its super high but thats where I want it. Every time I read this I say... How could you forget? but really I have asked myself that same question so many times. I haven't seen an angle but I have had some amazing experiences then I have turned around and forgotten. Remember remember! Dee... I like the pic you put up. YOU ROCK

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Crew has a bag of money he has been saving. We are off to spend it on something other than a webkin. To my delight he is requesting that we go to "that book store where they have Book of Mormons for sale."

Cling to the rod

1 Nephi 8:24
And it came to pass that i beheld
others pressing forward, and they
came forth and caught hold of the
end of the rod of iron; and they did
press forward through the mist of
darkness, clinging to the rod of
iron, even untill they did come forth
and partake of the fruit of the tree

As we walk the road of life, we tend to collect things that make us feel safer and more sure of ourselves. These may be material possessions, titles or responsibilities, but in the end they amount to the same thing: a fleeting and superficial sense of security. It is only by holding fast to our beliefs that we can navigate life with any confidence.The character in Hold to the Rod finds himself so burdened with the mundane objects he has collected that, while he hopefully eyes the rod, he cannot reach up to hold it for fear of losing something else.

I love this little picture and saying because it is so true for me. I love Lehies vission of the tree of life and the rod of iron. I love how it says they had to cling to the rod. It puts a picture in my mind of not just loosley holding on to the rod and walking through life but clinging with all of my might. Letting go of things that don't matter and clinging to what i know is true. Love you guys this is an awesome idea, Love Dee

We are thinking that Laman and Lemuel could use a good Chiropractic adjustment for

their "stiffneckedness". We are reading Chapters 4 and 5 of first Nephi and finding that explanations are in order after every 5 or 6 verses. Having said that, we are committed and we have decided that Nephi must have been a pretty good actor to pull off the disguise as Laban.

Yeah! every one is on.... 1nephi 6

Whoot whoot for all the posts! this is fun but why did Mike put a picture of me on the blog... haha. I would beg to differ that I am the best looking Ogden. In fact I would say I am the least good looking of all ya all. 6feet and 6inches of skin and bone. I did spend 25$ big ones at Wal-Mart on groceries the other day in hopes to beef up… so we’ll see. (that’s a big step!) Ok… Enough about me… Let’s talk about Nephi. In chapter 6 vrs. 4 we see Nephi’s real intent in writing these scriptures. It is to persuade the reader to come unto God. If that was my intent in all my doings how would the world be different? Vrs. 5 tells us that if the world reads this looking for pleasure they will not find it but only the things of God. The book will change your life (I saw it and see it happen a lot) but you can’t open it and expect to be captivated (in a world sense.) Captivation, like so many authors try to do with their best sealers for their readers, is not here in the Book of Mormon. You will get out of this book what you put into studding it. It’s God’s way of us learning his WORD. Why would he write like a mortal… he tells the prophets to write his way and expects us to come to his level.
One quick thing… I am going back to the Philippines on May 5 for more service! SO excited. (next time I’m bringing ya all.) We are looking for possible fundraiser ideas… Maybe fundraisers your ward or scouts have done? Do any of you have ideas? Dad could I use your jumper thing? Just let me know. Mahal kita!

Monday, January 11, 2010

As a mother, I can certainly identify with Sariah as she complained against Lehi while worrying about her sons when they journeyed back to Jerusalem. (Chapter 5) She must have been an awesome lady. That would be so difficult to leave your home and wonder in the wilderness.

Ryan... You are pretty much the best looking Ogden. We're excited to read the book. We've started and look forward to having it done before the 4th of july. Go Nephi, Show laman and lemual that following the Lord will lead to ultimate happiness. LOVES FAM, MIKE


1Nephi 11:22 "Yea it is the Love of God which sheddeth itself abroad in the hearts of the children of men; wherefore it is MOST desirable above all things"

The Rowles Family

Well, here we are finally. So this was partly my idea, and I've sure had a hard time "getting with it"
As we read the intro to the B of M, we reflected on how often Joseph Smith had to ignore temptation and focus. I can sure relate to this as I've started to get going on our reading. We have all been sick around here and I guess I keep waiting for everyone to get better. When I finally sat down to blog, the batteries in my mouse were dead. Geez... So it was pure joy to finally log on and see all the strength and wonderful comments from my amazing family. Happy Reading!!! Love you all.

1 Nephi 5

This is fun... I like reading what ya all have to say!It’s funny how they make “visionary man” into a negative connotation. I am grateful for the visions of prophets and feel like I would completely lost without them. Elder Anderson spoke last night in a CES fireside to a almost full Marriott center. He started his talk off by saying that he is an Apostle of Christ and the things he had prepared are from Christ for us. I loved what he had to say and am thankful for his visions in whatever form they were in. Nephi searched the scriptures and found they were of great worth. I want to do the same.CHEERS!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

These boys look like they are ready to obey and keep the commandments.
1 Nephi 3:7 has always been my favorite scriptures. A copy of that scripture hung on our fridge for many years while you kids were younger. I know that reading the Book of Mormon will make it easier to do the things which the Lord has commanded us to do.

I have found that repetition is good and with some of us necessary so I am happy to have

another chance to read through 1st Nephi. We were talking in Bishopric Meeting today about how we are using the Gospel Principles book (the new one) for Gospel Essentials and Preisthood/RS. At times it is good to go back to the beginning. Of course Vincini's line in Princess Bride comes to mind, "You said to go back to the beginning!" :) I know, I know, Jon is quoting another film...shocking! My Testimony always grows when I see the faith of Nephi, and his flawless example of obedience. Isn't it interesting that at this point Lehi was naming valleys and rivers after his disobedient sons possibly in an effort to get them to awaken and realize the blessing they had been given.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Help make this blog look better!

I made all ya all an admin so you have the privileges of changing the blog around if you want... The girls could make it a little more cute! And... Where is Mike and Kate? HELLO.... are you there? LOVE YOU Mahal KITA

1 nephi 3 and 4

I know 1Nephi3:7 to be true... Not just because I know the scriptures are true, but because I know the scriptures are true, but because I have seen this come true in my life. I think my testimony of this is there just because I know that God loves his children and out of Love he wouldn’t put anything in front of them without a way to get around. I told a missionary today that said, “I can’t do this Tagalog thing” to look up 1nephi3:7 and then to come talk to me. Everything God calls us to do he has installed in use the power to accomplish it. If we add sin into the mix however… our abilities might be taken away and we wont accomplish everything that is put in our path. In chapter 4 I love Nephi’s obedience here. He knows that a commandment has been given and therefore it can be accomplished. Nephi draws strength from the example of the prophet Moses. I need to do that…. WHAT A STORY! I feel like this story would do good in the box office… Thoughts? Let’s do it!

Up Early DadiO

What a blessing to be reading with all of you. I,ve been privledged to attend institute every thursday evening from 8 to 9:30 pm. Our coarse of study is the book of Mormon and Pres. Monsen has helped me understand the why of the Isiah chapters. Knowing you all are in 1st Nephi, I've started over. If you love the truth, you never get tired of hearing it. You all have a thousand directions to go and so much to get done every day. I pray that you will make time for this important effort. Study a liken the scriptures to you. After all, they are written for us. DadiO

Friday, January 8, 2010

Tender Mercies

1 Nephi 1:20 And when the Jews heard these things they were angry with him; yea, even as with the prophets of old, whom they had cast out, and stoned, and slain; and they also sought his life, that they might take it away. But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you that the tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance.

I love how Nephi says he will show unto us the tender mercies of the Lord. I look forward to learning more what these "tender mercies" are as we read the Book of Mormon.
Elder Bednar says that the Lord's tender mercies are very personal and individualized blessings, strenghth, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindness, consolation, support and spiritual gifts that we receive from and because of Jesus Christ.
I am going to scripture mark all of the Lords tender mercies, (and I know there are many) as I read. I hope by doing this I can personalize the words of the Lord. -Mindy

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Our goal is to make the scriptures as desired as a very scruptuous ice cream on a stick. We are in with the reading progam and excitted to take the challenge with the rest of the Ogden Clan. I guess this means we should probably start in first Nephi and read together so we can talk on the blog about scriptural happenings and ideas and such. Looking forward to the Isaiah Chapters in 2nd Nephi. Bring it on!

1 Nephi 2

May we all be a “valley” and ‘river” which represent the fountain of all rightiousness and be firm steadfast and immovable, like mentioned in verse 9 &10. I know God choose carefully the words in the scriptures… So why did he have to include verse 15? I remember hearing once that that verse is very important to the story because in the tent is where Lehi received revelation that would determine scripture and direction from the lord. So I guess its code word… Ha … Any thoughts? Ps. I got my new missionaries and they rock! They were all wide eyed but ready to learn. Love ya!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

This is a great quote from Pres. Marion G. Romney:
"I feel certain that if, in our homes, parents will read from the Book of Mormon prayerfully and regularly, both by themselves and with their children, the spitit of that great book will come to permeate our homes and all who dwell therein. The spirit of reverence will increase, mutual respect and consideration for each other will grow. The spirit of contention will depart. Parents will counsel their children in greater love and wisdom. Children will be more responsive and submissive to the counsel of their parents. Righteousness will increase. Faith, hope and charity--the pure love of Christ--will abound in our homes and lives, bringing in their wake peace, joy, and happiness."
May this be the case with each of you as you read the Book of Mormon.
Love you all,

1 Nephi 1

So… I just found out that Nephi came back and wrote this after he had been to America. I had always thought he went home at night and wrote new scripture, but apparently he is looking back on his life and just giving the super important things. Having said that… Its amazing how he choose to start the book, “Having been born of goodly parents…” You can see the effect they had on his life. If you are wondering what heaven Is like we kinda get a vision of it through Lehi’s vision. God Setting on his throne surrounded by angels. In verse 14 we hear the testimony of an actual person who saw God. His words are Rich but it is almost like he wishes there were more words that could describe his new found testimony of God. In verse 18 once Lehi knew of the destruction that would happen to the people he went out and started to worn the people. I would like to say I have felt the same desire Lehi felt to worn. I remember on my mission I had a new knowledge of what would happen to the people if they did not repent. It motivated me and gave me strength I didn’t know I had. Verse 20…. AMAZING! Love ya all… First day back to school today and I get a new district of 10 missionaries, so big day but feeling pumped from this scripture study. Have a good one.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ready to go!

We are starting tomorrow morning at 6:45 AM. It is the first day back to school for the kids. We are really excited to get started. Thank you for the wonderful idea Ryan and Kate.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Love these special children. We are going to have a great new year by starting it out the right way.....reading the Book of Mormon together.
Can't wait to get started. Good luck everyone with this worth while family project. I'm so excited to be a part of this. Mom

Lets get started... If you have any questions give me a call

1 Nephi 1

This is a GREAT idea! Lets make it happen. This will promote family happiness as we read and study this wonderful book. Dadio